What are CIPC annual returns.

All companies have to submit annual returns to CIPC every year. The return should be submitted in the anniversary month of the company. This means for example, if a company was registered in April, the annual return should be submitted every April. Submitting it in time will avoid CIPC raising penalties.

The following companies should submit annual returns:

  • Private companies
  • Non profit companies
  • Close corporations
  • Public liability companies
  • Personal Liability companies

During this process, the following details has to be submitted:

  • The annual turnover
  • The person responsible for record keeping
  • Whether the company sells goods
  • In which area the company operates

It is very important to submit the correct details, since the details are compared to the details submitted at SARS on the company’s IT14 tax return.

Failure to submit the annual returns will result in the company being deregistered by CIPC. When this happens, the bank is also instructed to freeze the account of the business.

If you need assistance to submit your annual returns, click here.

CIPC Annual Returns

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